What’s The Best IOL For Your Lifestyle?

If your doctor has recommended cataract surgery you may be aware that there are many IOL options. Cataract surgery involves removing the natural lens along with the cataract. It is then replaced with an artificial lens. This is an intraocular lens or IOL. There are several types of IOLs, and each is a little different…. Read More
4 Reasons To Treat Your Dry Eye

Dry Eye Syndrome can be more than annoying or inconvenient. It can be painful and constant. Some people with dry eyes or chronic dry eyes don’t even know they have it. Dry eye happens when the eye doesn’t produce enough tears or they are low quality. This means that the eye cannot stay moisturized or… Read More
New England Eye Center Expands 1st Responder Vision Program
New England Eye Center Expands 1st Responder Vision Program LASIK Specialists Offer Police, Fire and EMS Personnel Better Vision FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Boston, MA. (February 19, 2010) – New England Eye Center is delighted to announce the expansion of our 1st Responder Program throughout New England. A successful program, now in place for 5 years… Read More
New England Eye Center Offers Military Assistance Program
New England Eye Center Offers Military Assistance Program Soldiers get a chance for better vision through LASIK program FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Boston, MA. (February 19, 2010) – New England Eye Center is pleased to announce the launch of the “Military Assistance Program (MAP)” to provide our Military personnel the ability to achieve better vision through… Read More