4 Signs That LASIK May Not Be Right For You

LASIK is one of the most popular elective surgeries today. Laser vision correction surgery has given millions of freedom from glasses and contacts. But LASIK is not for everyone. Keep reading for 4 signs that LASIK might not be right for you. 1. You’re Not 18 Years Old Yet We get it. Prescription glasses are… Read More
Will LASIK Hurt?

A lot of people consider getting LASIK. For those who have to rely on glasses or contacts to see, LASIK sounds like a dream come true. But sometimes being nervous about surgery holds people back from going through with LASIK. While nerves are understandable for any surgery, a lot of the fear about LASIK is… Read More
What If I’m Not A LASIK Candidate?

Most people who get screened for LASIK qualify for the surgery. For the most part, if you’re 21 or older and in good health, you’ll be a good LASIK candidate. But there are a couple of other factors that may disqualify you. If your corneas are too thin or your prescription is too strong, LASIK… Read More
5 Reasons To Say Goodbye To Contacts

Glasses aren’t for everyone. Contacts seem like a reasonable way to correct your vision without glasses. But contacts have their own set of problems that can make them as annoying as glasses and hazardous. Also, glasses aren’t the only alternative to glasses. LASIK eye surgery is more accessible now that ever! Here are a few… Read More
What’s The Best IOL For Your Lifestyle?

If your doctor has recommended cataract surgery you may be aware that there are many IOL options. Cataract surgery involves removing the natural lens along with the cataract. It is then replaced with an artificial lens. This is an intraocular lens or IOL. There are several types of IOLs, and each is a little different…. Read More
4 Reasons To Treat Your Dry Eye

Dry Eye Syndrome can be more than annoying or inconvenient. It can be painful and constant. Some people with dry eyes or chronic dry eyes don’t even know they have it. Dry eye happens when the eye doesn’t produce enough tears or they are low quality. This means that the eye cannot stay moisturized or… Read More
Are You Ready For LASIK?

Getting LASIK is an exciting thing. After years of needing glasses or contacts to be able to see, you’ll finally be able to have total visual freedom. Once you’ve had your consultation and are an approved candidate, it’s time to schedule it. But what’s next? How do you know if you’re ready for LASIK? You’ll… Read More
The Top 7 Most Annoying Things About Glasses

If your vision isn’t perfect, you may wear glasses. For a lot of people, contacts aren’t much better, so instead, they wear glasses. Glasses may be necessary for some people to see, but they’re not without their drawbacks. There are actually a lot of annoyances that come with glasses. Here are 7 of the biggest… Read More
LASIK Is The Ultimate Grad Gift

If you have a child who’s about to graduate, there’s plenty on your mind. What will they do after they graduate? Where will they live? Will they be able to support themselves? These are all questions your soon-to-be grad has as well. The best thing any parent can do is be supportive. One way to… Read More
Do I Have Allergies Or Dry Eye?

A lot of people suffer from allergies. One of the most common symptoms of allergies is having irritated eyes. Most people have experienced watery, itchy eyes during certain times of the year. A somewhat less common condition that some people have is dry eye syndrome. Dry eye syndrome can occur when your eye doesn’t have… Read More